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The composition and role of the connector
2015-12-29 16:43:15

I. What is a connector
Electronic connector refers to the connection between various electronic components unit, primarily as a chip on the circuit board, circuit board and electronic circuit boards for signal connection with the transfer box. Terms of the type, can be divided into the substrate with a connector, angular connectors, cylindrical connectors, as well as increasingly popular PCMCIA specification connectors and so on.
Although the definition of electronic connectors has been less clear, its scope, the general understanding of the power plug or socket does not include other high-voltage, high current electrical or electrical connectors: electric switch is not included within the large and in Japan Most people in the field directly in English (
Connector) transliteration, sometimes called the [continuous piece], is used in mainland China [electric plug] or [electrical connector] including connectors and switches, including, regardless of electronics, a wide range of electrical terms. on the application, most electronic connectors are used in computers, telecommunications, aerospace, automotive and various equipment above.
II. Connector applications
Electronic connectors used in electrical products, by definition it is play electronic number. Or component connection, is a kind of multi-blend, or assembly of products, and covered with metal sheets, surface plating, precision machining and plastic molding and other key technology as an electronic transmission and connection number, if the problem of electronic connectors, electronic components will lead to equipment failure or even the whole entire series of devices, including terminals and plastic two main parts, the terminal portion in addition to material selection, the plating and die are benign and will not affect product quality, of course, the same is true of plastic parts.
III. Connector manufacturing
Electronic connector manufacturing from design to finished products, metal and plastics can be divided into two parts, metal parts in addition to material selection, the plating and die as the main work; modeling work is mold design, mold, injection shape, and then set up with the metal components into electronic connector Electronic device for electrical products, even, by definition it is play an electronic signal or component connection, is a kind of multi-blend, or assembly of products, and metal cover material, surface plating, precision machining and plastic molding and other key technologies as electronic signal transmission and connection, if the problem of electronic connectors, may result in some points in addition to material selection, the plating and die if all the good will affect the product quality, of course, is the plastic part of the same road, including five of its manufacturing technology: 1.. 2 die technology. injection molding technology 3. electroplating technology .4. assembly technology 5 detection due to the trend toward thin connector short and SMT , so they need the speed of the manufacturing techniques also need to improve their accuracy requirements, while the manufacturer has changed the concept of precision required in order to manufacture precision connectors, or in the end to the connector so that the market will be eliminated, because quality can not compete with electronic components or equipment failure throughout the whole terminal and plastic connectors, including two main parts terminals

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